Election post


When I first joined UCL in September, I had no idea of the impact rowing would have on my uni experience. Who’d have thought that 8 novices in a small boat on the Thames, trying not to crab and capsize, could form such a strong bond. This has extended past the water and I’ve loved becoming a part of the club attending some unforgettable socials.

Why me? I’m a physics student, a course that encourages me to use problem solving skills on the daily, so if you want to experience some of the best socials UCLBC has seen, I’m the guy you’re looking for. I’m a friendly character and I love a social in all its formats. I would like to make socials inclusive for all members of the club by planning more fun, non-alcoholic events. I really think that socials are the key to a club’s success, the more fun we have together, the more we will gel as a club. Ultimately, what is the most fun activity of all? Winning as a team.

I want to build upon the success of this year’s social secs, continue the tradition of weekly themed socials and create an enjoyable and friendly environment where everybody from the boat club can mix with a combined dislike of 5k erg tests and KCL. I’ve loved being part of UCLBC and this role would be a great chance for me to give back to the club.

Rumours may be true that I’m running in tandem with the club’s noisiest German, Ben, so give him some consideration when casting your votes if you want a year of unforgettable memories.