Election post


Next year will be my final in the club. For such a group that's given me everything, I'd love to have a last hurrah and give this club just a few more final celebrations before heading off. With me you can expect VPs events like none other, and regular alumni trips back... after all, I used to be in the current finalists' year, so I have the connections. With larger numbers of non-medics in the BC every year, I think it's especially important to keep in touch with those that have graduated. With the help of all the alumni, I'd also like to reintroduce the alumni fund to keep our costs down and events up, as much as possible.

My previous experience: as social sec I kept socials going even during an international pandemic; as UH captain I ferried aimless students around races and parties for fun; and as safety and welfare, physical and mental wellbeing are at the forefront of my job.

Do you want a club with great end-of-term dinners? Continued contact with our now-graduated friends? Someone qualified to manage socials, safety, and seventy-something students to a high degree of professionalism? Then I promise, I'm your guy. Nothing would make me prouder than to represent the Boat Club one last time, a swan song to the seven wonderful years I've spent as part of this truly exceptional club.