Election post


Hi I'm Felix and for the last five years I've tried to be on committee as much as possible first as asst. boatswain, then boatswain, Men's senior captain and then this year as president. I'm trying to round it all off with a fifth year on committee as your VPs officer.

I love the club a lot if you haven't noticed my weird obsession yet and I'll do everything I can to embody your VPs officer. I love it so much I'll be rowing next year as well, meaning I'll always be around the boathouse and still be very much in touch with what the current club wants/needs.

Why vote for me?

  • Years of experience dealing with the club and knowledge of how it's run/what to expect
  • I never smile so you never have to worry about me getting distracted from my role by joking around
  • I've got good experience of how the role runs as president having to oversee our lovely officers this year

MY GOALS! What do I want to do with the role?

  • Make great VPs events and get our doctors/alumni back! they've been gone too long!
  • Make more affordable VPs events in this cosie cri time of need
  • Introduce other alumni events such as a boathouse to Chelsea bridge row in first term - paving the way for senior rowers to do such an outing
  • Create a better alumni network through a more cohesive WhatsApp chat/Facebook group
  • Start Alumni centred email chain and mailing list for future years to keep them all more in the loop