Election post


The opportunity to be a social sec is an exciting one. As an architecture student, it seems appropriate to point out that the socials are perhaps not the beating heart of the boat club but rather the foundations. On and off the water, social or full member, this club is built by its community. The role of the social sec is to make sure the base is secure so that the rest of the club has the framework to flourish with a culture of inclusivity and energy that continues outside of the allotted Wednesday evenings. Even this year when my timetable conspired against Sportnight, I have felt the family spirit of RUMSBC. So after a small hiatus, I am looking forward to giving back to the club. 

My goals as Social Sec would be centered around ensuring the traditions that have allowed this club to pass from generation to generation are maintained in a way that creates a social space that is enjoyable for all participants. The beauty of RUMSBC is how all year groups (and degrees!) are integrated. I hope to help the Novice captains run Nov and above socials that help freshers get to know second years and bridge the jump from the Nov boat to Seniors.