Election post


I want to be involved with the committee next year, as boat club is such a huge part of my university life and simply I’d like to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes. I believe my skills suit the role of secretary - very organised, able to work teams and keep track of what’s going on. I love RUMSBC, and have done since I joined in 2020 - I do feel that I have a good understanding of the events and important general dates for the calendar, and really enjoy taking notes and making them understandable and succinct. 

This year has been very special for me at rumsbc, coming back after an interruption of studies. My first rowing year was partially limited by covid but also just being unwell, so this year being healthy again and the most ‘me’ has been amazing and I have loved being so much more involved with rowing in the seniors. I want a committee role as I am passionate about the boat club and the community we have, to give back to a club that has shaped my medical school experience in such a positive way even when things have been hard. I think this role is a great first role, and again suits my skills well. Very excited for what’s to come with RUMSBC and hope that I can just be even more involved :))!