Election post


Hi I’m Maddy, I’m a 4th year, I’ve been coxing for 2 years now and I’ve been on committee twice (Ass boat & social sec). [insert obligatory statement about how much I love the club]

This is what I plan to do:

- make cox captain more like the other captains in the way of support through debriefs after outings & more one-on-one time and specific attention

- train younger coxes to help with the longevity of the club

- do more casual training updates to keep coxes sharp and help keep crews safe and boats in one piece (via my feedback in launch sessions and cox-rower feedback too)

This is why I’d be good at it:

- I’m organised (past social sec)

- I’m a good cox (despite never winning anything lol)

- I’m reliable (“vote for me next year” - quote from me last year)