Election post


The majority of the fleet is a similar age to the current intake of freshers, although requiring increasing maintenance they are by no means passed their lifespan. The new golden years of rumsbc needs a gold class fleet, which means more careful and considerate maintenance of them. I know i can provide this, both from the skills i've learnt from the help and guidence from my boatswain and many other seniors in the club, and the hands on approach we have taken this year. (of course i can't forget my nepotistic predisposition thanks to a certain Mr. Rolfe senior). My areas of focus for next year are: 

  • boat maintenance is a whole club issue and I want to provide more training to all squads to mitigate against when things go wrong both on and off the water. 
  • Clear out the crap from the bay, and implement better storage solutions to make sure we don't loose any valuable tools. (whoever lost the 4mm allen key watch your back ) 
  • Train up my assistant to allow them to provide improving quality of boatswaining for years to come.