Election post


Having spent 2 years at UCLBC and running a squad this year as Novice Men’s Captain, I would like to give back to the club as a whole next year as President. My aim is to continue to provide an enjoyable and welcoming experience for competitive and casual rowing at both the novice and senior level.


Additionally, I wish to achieve a higher level of communication and transparency both between committee and the club and within committee itself, allowing members to raise issues easily and effectively. I would also like to encourage more fundraising on both squad and club levels while actively pursuing sponsorship and financial aid, assisting in the safe and efficient running of sessions and eventual scope for long term improvement of club equipment.


While having been involved in the rowing aspect this year I want to continue developments made on the club side, with further improvements in inclusivity and opportunity both within UCL and in giving back to the local community, through volunteering and outreach programmes and with TeamUCL.


Ultimately, I hope to watch the club flourish further both socially and competitively, building on the hard work done this year.