Election post


Medical Law is an intriguing and essential branch of law in the technologically fluid and medically advanced world that we are a part of. From euthanasia, DNR’s, testing confidentiality to end of life treatment, there can be endless intricate topics to discuss. 

As the Medical Law Chair, I would network with doctors, professionals, lawyers, companies, and individuals who have had experiences in the field and are willing to share it with students across the board. These discussions would not only prove stimulating but also imperative to students as it would highlight an on-paper issue and give us an idea of what ethical dilemmas really look like in reality.  

I think I can contribute as the Medical Law Chair because my interests lie at the intersection of both these fields. The job requires me to communicate confidently, stay informed of global issues, and take action, all of which I believe I can do.  

Here are a few ideas I want to implement: 

  • Simulating ethical misconduct cases in real-time and looking at conducting a medical law trial event.  
  • Events to network with professionals working in this sector.  
  • Debates to perform policy reviews. 
  • Organising talks on intriguing and important topics.