Election post


Leadership, collaboration, and teamwork are some of the skills I have acquired which will allow me to exceed and be successful within this role. My involvement in the Bhangra Society over the past year consists of performing at The Bhangra Showdown 2023. I committed roughly 25 hours a week for rehearsals to enhance and improve on my skills; I am willing to spend plenty of hours for the society to ensure that the Bhangra Society has an increased awareness. I would also ensure that there are further collaborations and integration with other universities to help build our connection with universities and further strengthen the societies reputation. Not only would I like to incorporate collaborations with other universities, in fact I would attempt to collaborate with other UCL societies for social events; this will allow for more individuals to participate within the society, especially at the weekly classes where they can learn about the art of Bhangra. One of my highlights from this year has been performing at The Bhangra Showdown; this is an opportunity that I would like other students to experience and ensure they represent the Bhangra society through shows or competitions.

Make sure to vote for me as your Vice President to see big things we have proposed in the following year and to have an astonishing experience!