Election post


As a Psychology student who is passionate about Behavioural Science, I am eager to organise events of all kinds for students who are interested in pursuing a career in BS to gain knowledge about the field. As the current Co-Events Director for Behavioural Innovations Society, I have been working with other committee members to organise regular guest speaker seminars, and socials, as well as facilitating the Careers Fair. I enjoy reaching out to people, inviting them to share their insights and engage with students, which is why I find my work in the current position extremely rewarding.

I am standing for the Events Director position for next year not only because I would like to keep doing what I do to help more students, but also because I have new ideas that I would like to have a chance to implement. For example, I would love to organise networking events or establish a mentorship scheme to connect current students with young professionals who recently graduated and are doing Behavioural Science related work. Reading/discussion groups is also something I am considering organising.

I would really appreciate your votes as the first step to help me turn what I envisioned into reality. Thank you so much for reading my statement :)