Election post


I think that welfare is a very important aspect of playing sports and that it can make a difference in improving enjoyment of our basketball sessions as well as just overall well-being. I want to run for Welfare officer because I think I can help in improving welfare in the club not only by being there to support fellow members of the club but also by proactively trying to improve welfare in the club by

1) Creating anonymous surveys in order for everyone to be able to raise their concerns, queries and worries regarding the club and raise these concerns during committee meetings.

2) Organising events focusing on wellbeing such as mindfulness, yoga or meditation sessions as well as providing advice services

3) Organising mentoring sessions with older members to support younger members

4) Being present and involved in the club so that members can approach me with concerns or queries after sessions

I want to run for Welfare officer because I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed with the amount of workload, how difficult it can be living far away from home, being stressed about all the things you have to do or what it feels like to just be having an off day where you just need to get stuff off your chest when something is bothering you.

I want to try to improve the welfare of the club in general but also attempt to help members feel integrated in the basketball community and try to help them when they are having trouble with something or want to raise their concerns.