Election post


I miss the sport of Basketball. I picked up the sport of basketball 8 years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. Nowadays, I try to stay as relevant as possible in the sport, either through following the NBA, or playing the occasional pick-up with friends. However, since I started UCL this year, I have not been able to play much basketball at all. I attended try-outs, but had a bad hour, and I had absolutely no chance of making the squads. There is social basketball available at UCL, but I experienced quite a few problems with that as well. The sessions are either always inconvenient in terms of time, or all the spots are always full. Since the first term where I actively tried to continue to play basketball, I've gone other ways in terms of sports. Every time I play basketball again, I feel alive, I feel happy, and I wonder why I stopped playing. My experience with the basketball club at UCL has made me motivated to play again, and to start by becoming a committee member, notably the welfare officer. This is so that I can help all of the UCL students who have the same love for the game, but either the love has gone, or they do not yet have the skills to compete with members of the club. Of course, as the welfare officer for the entire club, I would devote the necessary time needed to help out with any needs for anyone in the club, whilst paying enough attention to those not in squads. I would be happy to accept any role in the club, even if not welfare officer.