Election post


Hey everyone, my name is Togay, I am a second year economics student.

Ive always had a love for basketball, having played it for multiple years in a team setting in Cyprus and becoming the 4th team captain last year. I enjoyed every step of the way and hope to continue being part of the community.

I hope to become the treasurer as I want to carry on working with the committee and keep on growing the basketball scene at UCL. Having captained the 4th team this year, I managed to sign up the team to a private league, planning the payments and any other operational issues that arose. Apart from this, my background in economics has equipped me with many skills to excel at the treasurer role. In addition, having organised many events in the past, I am aware of the many financial aspects that need to be taken care of in all stages of an events process, which will aid me in the work I perform as treasurer as well.

Furthermore, I plan on working with the social secretary to achieve many events for members through the society's funding. Good collaboration is key in such situations and I hope to achieve this if I am elected.

All in all, I have extremely enjoyed being part of this society and hope to carry on next year as well.