Election post


The Architecture Society is incredibly important to the Bartlett. As a world-renowned school, it is vital that the student voice remains strong.  


 As an active part of the community, I am committed to starting cross-discipline conversations. I would be excited to have the opportunity to run as president to ensure the growth of this society.  After accidentally becoming part of RUMS (medical) rowing I have been inspired by the wide range of research happening on our doorstep, which would be interesting to tap into. I would be keen to start a dialogue across faculties exploring architecture's wider applications and influences, as well as strengthening Arch Soc's connections to other societies.  


Within the Bartlett, I have gained experience in time management and group organisation as one of the summer show treasures. This should help with arranging activities throughout the year. The outgoing committee has set up a great foundation to introduce new events, with the first Bartlett ball coming up, this paves the way for more regular socials to be integrated into our busy timetables.   


As a school that has been put in the spotlight, this is a great time for the student body to set a new legacy. We have the chance to accomplish a new level of student lead outreach, which I would be delighted to help push forwards.