Election post


Having been with the weightlifting team at both St Andrews and UCL I can confidently say that weightlifters are some of the nicest people I have ever met. The sport itself has also given me so much in terms of mental health and personal development. For this reason, I want to see weightlifting continue to reach more and more people, especially within my community, and I want to contribute to this growth by becoming Weightlifting Captain for the club next year.

If elected, I would continue the great work done by the committee this year and have regular group training sessions as well as post-training team socials. I will assure well-structured organisation of both novice comp and varsity (where we will continue beating King’s). For those looking to compete, I will provide information on competitions, and answer queries on registration and all things BWL-related. I also want to make it clear to non-members that they can try out weightlifting during any group session and not be limited to GIAGs at the beginning of term 1. Hopefully this will increase the number of people who want to join throughout the year and we will see LOWA looking more packed with every session.

Let’s have a really good time :)