Election post


I have had an extremely pleasant experience so far, and the current committee members have been very friendly and helpful to me. I have been inspired by them and I would love to be part of the team that makes UCL Barbell society fun to be in, as well as listening to constructive feedback to improve experience further. If I am elected, my main goal is to bring the club to the next level: 

  • Objective 1: listen to both powerlifters and weightlifters, making sure they both have sufficient training allocations at either powerlifting gyms or weightlifting gyms, and possible weekly sessions so that everyone inclusive, can train with comp spec, or any feedback they might have. 
  • Objective 2: I am proposing to host at least 2-3 socials per month to make network within our own soc as well as other socs. I have heard good feedback from members that a climbing social would be interesting.   
  • Objective 3: I propose that we run some nutrition talks to help boost knowledge on good supplements and high macro foods, as diet is important for training.

I have experience in leading, as I was vice deputy head of my school dormitory as well as a prefect and one of the principal chairs of the orchestra. These allowed me to develop very strong communication  and listening skills, as well as a good leadership quality, so that I can help the members to the best of my abilities and enable me to absorb all feedback and act upon it.  I believe these make me an ideal candidate.