Election post


As someone who is passionate about powerlifting and dedicated to the success of UCL Barbell, I am excited about the opportunity to serve as treasurer. I believe that my skills in financial management, organization, and attention to detail make me well-suited for this role.

As treasurer, I would be responsible for managing the club's finances, ensuring that we have enough funds to cover our expenses and invest in the growth of the club. I am confident in my ability to create and maintain a budget, keep accurate records of transactions, and report on the financial status of the club to the rest of the committee.

Beyond my financial expertise, I am also deeply committed to the success of UCL Barbell. I have been an active member for 2 years and have seen firsthand the positive impact that powerlifting can have on people. I am passionate about promoting the sport and providing opportunities for our members to improve their lifts and achieve their goals.