Election post


Ronnie Coleman once said: "it is important to have people believe in you. With this support what you can achieve is limitless." This is why I am asking for your support, because what I can help this club to achieve has no bounds. 

Whilst Schwarzenegger says "strength does not come from winning", if I win this leadership race I will not only help you become the strongest version of yourself, I will strengthen the club's sense of community, camaraderie, and team performance.

As Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson says "Success isn't always about greatness ... Consistent, hard work gains success." Whilst I am great, I am dependable, diligent, and hardworking, so you can have confidence that I will advocate for Barbell when liaising with the SU and BF. I will also take onboard suggestions from members and work to improve communication about PL events. 

You have to "be all in or get out. There is no halfway m*****f*****s" (Hafthor Bjornsson), and I can guarantee that I will be "all in" for the role of PL captain. I was previously the PL captain for Durham University PL team, almost doubling their recruitment and leading their first proper BUCs squad to success. So I know what it takes to be "all in". 

I understand how important this sport and this club is to it's members - I mean, "there is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift" (Jon Pall Sigmarsson) - so I will strive to make this club the best it can be. 

Make sure you vote for me because

"My time is now!" - John Cena