Election post


As a passionate baker and social media enthusiast, I am excited to apply for the role of Social Media Officer of the UCL Baking Society. With my experience in social media management and my love for all things baking, I am confident that I can bring value to the society and its members.

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it offers endless possibilities to connect with people and share our passion with the world. As the Social Media Head, I will leverage my expertise to build an engaging and vibrant online community for the UCL Baking Society. I will use social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share exciting baking content, create interactive challenges, and promote events organized by the society.

My goal is to increase the society's online presence, expand its reach, and attract new members who share our love for baking. Through social media, we can create a strong community that fosters creativity, innovation, and knowledge-sharing.

As the Social Media Head, I will be committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all members. I will actively seek feedback and suggestions from the society's members to ensure that our social media strategy reflects their interests and needs.