Election post


Hey, everyone! My name is Tiemothy, and I am running to be your next president of the Badminton Club. 
I've been an avid member of the Badminton club for the past four years and have enjoyed every session that I joined and ran (including that one taster session when I had to get stitches and almost lost an eye).  
Being President this year have taught me a lot of things, and I acknowledge the many challenges we had to overcome at the expense of some activities. The social side of the club was my priority this year, and I aim to continue the same if elected again. Increasing court times will always be a point to improve, and I believe there are concrete ways of this happening next academic year. Learning from this year's experience, there are plenty more that the club can do, and I hope you will give me a chance of realising that next year.
Badminton Club has been a big part of my UCL experience so far, and I want to make sure that our members have the same experience. Thank you for reading, and I hope you vote for me!