Election post


I am standing to be the President of Azerbaijan Society for the second consecutive term. As an active Azerbaijani in London, I am continuously involved in promoting the Azerbaijani culture to the residents of the UK, helping the members of the Azerbaijani community in the UK, as well as supporting our embassy and diaspora in all the ways possible. Alongside the other Azerbaijani societies of London universities, we took on a challenge to unite the Azerbaijani students living in the UK together, by forming an alliance based on collaboration and mutual support between the societies. This project has so far been very successful, with our largest event coming up towards the end of March, celebrating Novruz. I am standing to continue what myself and my colleagues have started, and to keep promoting Azerbaijan to UCL, be the point of support to Azerbaijani students at UCL, and show the world the beauties of our culture and country. Vote for me for another year of extraordinary events, celebrations of our culture, and to bring all Azerbaijani students together!