Election post


Who am I? 

Currently a part-time MSc student within Bartlett applying for Vice-President secondary to my nomination as President. I am passionate about inclusivity thus within design solutions. Obtaining this role within the society will formalise my directly relevant skills pertaining to inclusivity that have been overlooked by employers.

I am a BAME student who was the first in her family to go to university, let alone considered a mature undergraduate the  diagnosed with disabilities. Previously student union Disability Officer @ Brunel, thrice Chair of Civil Engineering and Mature Students’ societies.

Why me?

  • Advocated for quiet study spaces to be better advertised for ASD students.


  • Collaborated with SSW staff to advocate for ISD laptops with Assistive Technology on them to be reinstated for all students from 2023/24 academic year. Rather than only staff.


  • Advocated for better planning of classes for disabled student not limiting to: distances between rooms, ergonomic furniture within curriculum sessions, better communication with necessary parties to set this up.

What will I do?

  • Continue to engage with plans for Cubbie Sensory Hub through SSW funding. 
  • Continue to bridge communication with staff to meet the needs of our members. 
  • More themed social events .