Election post


Dear members of the UCL Asset Management Society,

It is with great enthusiasm that I am running for President of this esteemed society. As a committed contributor since the society's inception in 2021, I stand before you to ask for your support in continuing this journey.

As a First-year Representative, I helped organise social/speaker events and contributed to the overall business development of the society, which has seen remarkable growth these past two years. As the current Head of Communications, I have been responsible for creating and executing the society's communication strategy, improving the society's brand, and raising member engagement via programmes such as our 'Finance Bootcamp'. As an Investment Analyst, I have played a crucial role in conducting equity research for the society's fund, and thus obtain an extensive understanding of finance overall. These three roles have granted me in-depth knowledge of the society's objectives and the skills to take it to the next level.

As your President, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the society continues to grow and offer the best experience for its members. My vision is to expand the society's outreach, provide more educational opportunities, and build a network of professionals to connect our members with industry leaders. By collaborating and leveraging the collective talents of our members, we can take the UCL Asset Management Society to new heights of success and achievement.

Thank you for your support.