Election post


Hi, I'm Anika! I'm from Hong Kong, and since moving here, I've felt more in touch with my culture and found a sense of community that I've never experienced before with other asian students. A massive part of me feeling such a sense of belonging was the warm welcome that people at asian social network events gave me, which was amazing to feel when I felt so disoriented with everything else in my surroundings - after moving halfway across the world and being in a uni full of strangers, still being able to connect with people through our shared culture is such a comforting feeling. 

This is why I would love to be a part of the committee next year, so I can help new and continued members alike experience this same sense of community! I really enjoyed the collaborations with other societies this year, so I'd love to continue those, and I also think it would be fun to host friendly competitions such as dumpling wrapping contests or pub quizzes, as well as the usual chill events. I'm also open to suggestions for events, so if anyone has ideas, feel free to contact me anytime and I'll make it happen! As your potential social secretary next year, I'll make sure to keep this society as a fun, welcoming place where members can embrace and share their culture and make friends all at once.