Election post


hi! i’m precious and i’m running for president for asian social network because ASN has been like my home away from home <3

this academic year, i’ve really enjoyed attending and organising the ASN events as social sec because i always knew that i’d be in a comfortable space embracing my asian culture, and generally because i love planning events that our members will enjoy :) in particular, i loved organising the scavenger hunt and games night events because it was really fun seeing our members get competitive haha. doing the behind-the-scenes work and seeing the committee’s ideas come to life was super rewarding and i hope to do more of that as president next year.

as president, i want to ensure that we all have just as amazing of a time during the society events next year by leading and overseeing the new committee; hosting committee meetings when necessary and booking rooms for events, etc. i’d also make plans to introduce asn merch - such as tote bags and possibly key rings - for our members to purchase, and host more collabs with other ucl su societies.

this year, i was interim bubble tea soc president, asn social sec, and cps (chemical and physical society) events officer. these committee roles have really helped me to improved my leadership and organisation, as well as my collaboration and interpersonal skills. i hope to develop these further and continue michael’s hard work for the society as asn president next year <3