Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Having been involved in every Blooms show in various capacities so far this year, I understand the time and effort that goes into events and productions that arts societies put on. I have the experience to understand some of the major challenges that art societies face, like issues with venues as well as the dedication to work towards ensuring these challenges don’t pose a barrier towards actually putting on these events and productions. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Improve access to participation in the arts - following the publication of the student life strategy, I would work to develop opportunities for students at different levels of experience in the arts. 

I would do this by

  1. Working with the university to increase access hours for spaces for rehearsals and performances
  2. Collaborating with the Students Union to create opportunities for workshops and classes that are more accessible to members of the UCL community 
  3. Work with societies to promote opportunities to celebrate the diversity in artsUCL, such as through showcases and performances
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As the current performance arts rep and as an active member of Stage Crew, Musical Theatre and Live Music, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of arts societies and as a result, I believe I am in a unique position to represent the artsUCL community as a whole. I am passionate and driven, and if elected, I would use these qualities towards helping make sure even more people can enjoy the opportunities artsUCL can provide.