Election post


Hi, I’m Sara! I’m a first year student, and my major pathway is Societies. I would love the opportunity to be part of the BASc committee, working with others in the team to create a warm, friendly environment for BASc students.

Since the common room is the one place we can all get together in an otherwise spread out degree, I would like to ensure that it is a space that everyone can feel comfortable and hang out with friends in. The common room has been a place where I've felt like I actually should be and belong, so I’d like for it to feel the same way for others in our community, as well. To achieve this, I would listen to feedback on the common room and help execute ideas that everyone would want to see in action (for example, based on a vote).

Overall, I’m grateful for how welcomed the BASc community has made me feel— it definitely played a big role in me feeling so settled in after my first year of university! Being part of the committee would let me reciprocate the positive experience for the rest of our community, so I hope to be a rep for our society :)