Election post


As current Treasurer and previous Head of Tutorials and First Year rep, I had an amazing opportunity to work alongside our talented team seeing how people with different interests expand their knowledge under the UCL AI Society. As a President, I will have three main priorities.

Community. A society should be a place to explore your interests, build long-lasting community relationships and make memories for life. By hosting large-scale keynote speaker events, hackathons, hands-on tutorials, and weekly socials we would provide people with a greater sense of community.

International initiatives. In the past years, the AI Society had an amazing opportunity to collaborate with 25 world-leading universities while organising the Climate Hack.AI competition. Such initiatives allow us to expand our network, build a stronger community and, most importantly, make a real impact while doing so. I believe that such collaboration could be expanded even further by organizing international conferences, Code-for-Good competitions, and research-focused project team initiatives.

Improving initiative integration. Over the past years, AI society accumulated a large number of excellent initiatives; however, the lack of connectivity between these individual components makes it hard for members to get the most out of society. Introducing a pathway-based system focused on research, industry or entrepreneurship would provide a clearer structure and benefit for the AI society member base.