Election post


Hello hello! My name is Ferran – Events Team Officer and 2nd Year Neuroscience student. I'm running for Head of Project Teams with three key goals:

  1. Build stellar teams: I aim to build interdisciplinary teams whose ideas and interests are heard. By hosting brainstorming sessions and creating effective questionnaires, groups will be composed of people with similar ambitions/interests and varying skill sets. This is a key step in building a good team and will not be overlooked.  
  2. Lead and follow through: Regular meet-ups, demos, and fun problem solving competitions will be held to maintain a good pace. I love building random things and working in groups (which I do as part of my degree and job as a Junior AI Engineer) and am committed to actively participating in each team to help tackle their logistical and technical needs. 
  3. Go big or go home: Challenges should be embraced. I propose we be ambitious and champion big ideas. Team projects are the perfect place to innovate, learn, and research. To help with this, I propose we work with specialists in the fields of interest and host masterclasses, so that all groups can excel.

There is enormous untapped potential in these AI Soc Team Projects. Let's make them happen.

Please feel free to email me any questions at: [email protected].