Election post


For the past two years, I have been a part of the AI society, first as a first-year representative, and then as the Head of Tutorials this year. Especially the role of the Head of Tutorials has been a great experience and an inspiration to continue helping to build a community at UCL that harbors a true curiosity for artificial intelligence and that will help shape the future. Therefore, I am standing for the role of Head of Journal Clubs.

I have spent the past several years doing NLP research and have seen firsthand how instrumental a good environment is for fostering a space where new thinkers and leaders in AI can grow. As the Head of Journal Clubs, I would like to pursue creating such environment by heightening the focus of our community on the cutting-edge research in AI that fuels the current technological revolution and facilitating debate both with invited speakers and among the members of the AI society. Practically, my aim would be to both continue facilitating Journal Clubs and to focus more on giving young researchers in our community a chance to present and discuss their work, while also working to empower students who want to pursue research in AI, in and outside of academia.

I believe that my experience with AI research gives me an insight that should be useful in bringing this vision to life and my involvement with AI society proves my commitment to this goal, which is why I believe myself to be a good candidate for this position.