Election post


I am running for the Head of Development position in the UCL AI society because I am passionate about artificial intelligence and want to contribute to London's biggest AI student community. So far, as a 3rd year CS student and the development officer, I have been involved in the development of competitions on DOXA - our platform for AI challenges. Moreover, I organised the biggest AI society event this year - DOXATHON ?. 

Building on the already existing DOXA will allow the development team to focus more on the competitions and participant experience. I want to organise the second edition of the very successful ClimateHack.AI - a competition between students from the world's top universities tackling climate change using AI. Additionally, I would like to achieve a close partnership between the UCL Centre for AI and society. This collaboration between the leading researchers and curious students may result in project teams working on state-of-the-art research. One of the flagship activities of the UCL AI society is the tutorial series. I plan to support the tutorials team in producing hands-on materials using DOXA as an interactive platform. 

I believe my previous experience in the society and technical knowledge gathered over the past couple of years will let me recruit a team of wonderful developers to realise ambitious plans for the following academic year!

Note: Although I am a big fan of recent advancements in LLMs, ✨ this manifesto was written exclusively by me! ✨