Election post


Hi I'm Greg and I'm a third year PhD student in the department of Psychology and Language sciences researching the effects of DMT on the brain using fMRI.

Being involved in the UCL Society for the Application of Psychedelics for the last couple of years has been a blast. This year, I'm standing for president this year to help our society continue to do what it does best; the fostering of an enthusiastic and eclectic community through our regular (and absolutely stellar) series of talks on psychedelic (and psychedelic-adjacent) science, art and culture.

Alongside this I hope to support our committee with a number of other projects including :

  • Provision of eduction-focused harm-reduction resources for students and other people who use drugs recreationally. 
  • Hosting a regular psychedelic-science oriented journal club for UCL students
  • Organising a large symposium for psychedelic science, open to the wider research community