Election post


Hi Everyone!

I'm Lily, a second-year Ancient World student - you may also know me as Lilium on discord. Anime Society was the first society I joined as a fresher last year, and has been such a welcoming and inclusive space full of kind, caring and wonderful individuals. I feel so much genuine happiness and look forward to every one of the events. It would be an honour to lead the society and support the amazing, talented members whom I have grown to love over the last two years. 

As president I would like to focus on the following:

♡ Regular in-person and online events such as the Tuesday games nights and Wednesday chill socials in addition to lots of other events such as pub socials, talent show, and Christmas/New Year's events. 

♡  Make Anime Society an inclusive space: maintaining the women and nb socials and creating a warm, kind community in which all members can feel welcome regardless of who they are.

♡ Collaborations: maintaining our relationship with the LAU and collaborating with our fellow societies to create fun events for our members. 


I have cherished my time so far in anime society and I am very motivated to give the current and future members the same joy and compassion in which I have received. I am grateful and love every single one of you and I hope you'll consider me for president.