Election post


Hi everybody! I'm Ameya, (though a bunch of you might know me as uefreeba), a first year History student, and this year I'm running for Events Officer!

In my time in the society so far I've come to really enjoy many of the social events we've hosted; from the Wednesday socials, to the various fantastic larger events like the LAU Talent Show, and even the occasional pub crawl. Social events like these really are at the heart of what makes Anisoc fun to be part of. If elected as one of the Events Officers for this year, I'd do my best to help continue running the events the society puts on, in addition to increasing the diversity of events hosted by the Society. I'd always be happy to field suggestions for events for the Society to put on.

Some of the events I'd love to organise as Events officer would be:

  • Online and in-person screenings of seasonal anime.
  • Pub socials (or crawls even!) with a relaxed and low-pressure vibe.
  • Crossover events with other societies.
  • Restaurant/cafe socials.
  • And most importantly, anything suggested by members of the society!

Anisoc events this year have generally been a ton of fun, and I hope to keep the same high standard going! Overall, I would love to work as Events Officer this year, and am confident I can help keep Anisoc being the welcoming and exciting society it's always been.