Election post


I am standing for this position again as I can still improve and maintain the social media system that me, Vince, Joe and Aaron had created. Unfortunately, as Vince is leaving this year I want to stay on as a social media secretary as I want to be a veteran within the social media team to keep the group on track and to voice my opinion when things go astray. As I have been in the position for a year now I know what standard the Committee wants our social media to be at. 

I also want to keep working with Jake to improve our social media efforts over the summer and hopefully collaborate and push for the design and creation of a team website before the start of next season. I also want to explore other social media mediums that we have not tapped into yet with Jake being a main inputer on the directions we take. I want to build upon our reorganisation and reform of social media to push for a better social media complex that can help us get sponsorships and further support for the team.

Furthermore, being on the Committee for a year and aiding in the overall management and logistics of the team I feel it is a strength that will be valuable in this position. I have a year's worth of experience that will help me in this role where I will learn from my past mistakes and help push the team in the direction that our players agree to.