Election post


Hey all, I’m Remus and I am running for a second term as president of UCL Amateur Boxing Club. I have been boxing for almost 4 years now and I was a national champion in boxing back in Taiwan.

I am actively involved in our club events (most of you would’ve seen me on Wednesdays and Saturdays coaching the sessions), and this year I’ve worked with others to push out activities like the ThisGirlCan event, the martial arts boat ball, the KCL boxing show, UCL merchandise, and socials.

I was also the first president in UCL boxing’s 12 years of history to get our sport included in the UCLxKCL varsity series, and to be the first president to register UCL ABC as an official amateur boxing club.

With our practice run with organizing varsity this year, next year I am certain we can organize the first ever Boxing Varsity series. In addition, I will work even harder to bring you all new and fun activities, so you can make even better memories at our society.