Election post


Hello! My name is Stefi, and I am running for the position of Consulting Director at 180 Degrees Consulting UCL.

Being a 2022 Project Team Lead for 180DC was an incredible experience. I promoted sustainable change through targeted solutions and worked alongside an incredibly talented team, strengthening my desire to be involved with 180DC in a larger capacity.

Together with my experiences in volunteering as Executive Director of a youth organisation and reaching out to various academics as the Economist’s Society Academic Events Director, I am confident that I have the necessary project management, communication, and technical skills to lead as the 180DC UCL Consulting Director.

I will secure a variety of high-quality projects and develop a strong consulting team to deliver the best outputs. I plan to:

  1. Conduct regular consultant workshops focused on professional development (project goal setting, presentation skills) with mentorship from previous consultants or the partner consulting firm
  2.  Support Team Leads and consultants throughout the project cycle via group discussions with all Team Leads and check-ins with members
  3. Build a set of projects from different advocacies with a global focus based on an initial member survey of interests and target skills
  4. Host info-sessions with clients and prospective consultants to showcase upcoming projects 

Thank you for taking the time to read my mission! Feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]  :)