Election post


Hi! Kai here and I am running for treasurer because I believe that I can aid in the development and growth of our amazing club.

As a broke uni student who is guilty of going to every frisbee tournament available (unless I'm injured which is a lot of the time as well), I have spent way too much on tournament fees and travel. Despite the low balances, nothing beats the good vibes and high spirit I always have with the people. That's the kind of energy I would like everyone in Silverbacks to have.

Undertaking a minor in management accounting, countless figures of excel spreadsheets are no stranger to me. Besides, as the treasurer of my previous club in college, I will ensure that every member gets the most out of this club without driving the club into bankruptcy; be it by taking advantage of Ryan or Arwen's young age for free pitch hirings or reusing maccies coupons from last year (Legend has it that the coupons are still redeemable).

When elected, I aim to bring kit orders earlier in the year so we can rock in it together going to matches and tournaments.

As a committed member for over a year now and still very involved in the frisbee scene, rest assured I will apply my knowledge and experience to continue the glory of Silverbacks!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

- kai