Election post


I have been playing Ultimate competitively since 2015/2016 but first started holding a disc at 2013/2014. So Ultimate has been a part of my life for close to 9 years.

I hope to make continue to run the club alongside the rest of the committee and to make each training session as enjoyable and productive as possible so that everyone (beginner or advanced) is able to learn something. I also hope to give more attention (in terms of trainings and game time available) to not only the players who are already more experienced in frisbee, but those with less experience but high interest in improving.

I have been selected as part of the Great Britain U20 squad and therefore will be attending their training sessions! I also attend various high-level club training sessions i.e. Fire of London, Thundering Herd and Camden. I can take whatever I learn from these advanced training sessions and apply it to our very own UCL training!