Election post


Hi everyone, I’m Alessandra! I’m a second year Philosophy, Politics and Economics student, and a certified Swiftie! I am the current president, and one of the co-founders of Taylor Swift Society at UCL, a role I hope to have next year as well, as I have many exciting ideas for future events that I would like to see through. If elected, I plan to focus on organizing social events, such as karaoke nights, themed parties, pub quizzes, club nights, listening parties and more, where all Taylor fans at UCL can meet up and enjoy the company of people who share this interest!

I believe I am a good fit for president because I am very passionate about the society and determined to turn it into something that every Swiftie would pe proud and excited to be a part of. Additionally, as a co-founder, I was involved in getting the society off the ground, which allowed me to understand the responsibilities of a committee member. I think this is a helpful experience that could influence the development of the society next year.

I am looking forward to the opportunities, collaborations, and events that Taylor Swift Society will offer next year, and I am excited for the future of our society, because I believe we can create an amazing community that will continue to evolve!