Election post


I believe students do not get enough practical surgical experience in medical school, and I want to change that. I have an extensive history of organising in-person teaching events within Medsoc/surgsoc. As your Trauma and Orthopaedic (T&O) chair, I can apply this experience to improving access to T&O education amongst medical students.

The landscape of T&O is changing, and with an ageing population, the demand for T&O surgeons is increasing. I want to inspire the future generation of T&O surgeons by organising talks by guest speakers who are leaders in their speciality.

T&O gets a bad stereotype, that you have to fit the mould. I want to introduce students to the variety of T&O and prove to them that anyone can make it. From our own teaching hospitals to further afield, I want to show students just how diverse T&O as a speciality can be.