Election post


Hi! I'm Saffa and I'd like to be the next community outreach officer for Surgical Society.

Surgery can often be seen as a closed-off career that is only accessible to a selected group of people, but UCL Surgical Society has done an amazing job of showing us that this is not the case through workshops, conferences and talks from world-renowned surgeons. Surgery is an incredibly rewarding and exciting career and I'd like to be able to lead the way in showing the wider community that it is open to all. 

I am currently part of the Neurosurgery Subcommittee where I've been able to network with neurosurgeons who are committed to sharing their excitement for surgery with current medical students. I would like to take this one step further by working with the rest of the committee to encourage and inspire future medical students to pursue a career in surgery. My main focus next year would be to show future medical students that surgery is extremely fun by organising regular workshops and talks from surgeons. I also believe that giving informal talks ourselves to future medical students would encourage them to ask questions about careers in surgery from students who were in their position not too long ago.

I look forward to the opportunity. Thank you!