Election post


Hi there, my name is Chris Savvas and I would very much like the opportunity to be clinical skills coordinator next year.

I am passionate about a career in surgery and am excited by the potential opportunity to share this with others.

Within our time at medical school we have limited opportunities to gain basic surgical skills, this is an opportunity to help expose more students to the key building blocks required for a career in surgery.

What I’ll do if I get this role:

  • Run courses starting with basic skills such as suturing and progressing into more sub-specialty relevant skills
  • Work with other universities to deliver collaborative events, allowing more students to get involved, whilst UCL students will also benefit from exposure to different teachers.
  • Ensure all courses are free to attend.
  • Offer in person courses where possible and safe.

Why me?

  • As UCL’s delegate for the BMA conference, I have experience presenting ideas and working with others
  • I have already mentored more junior students to help build their portfolio.
  • The role will require organisational skills and the ability to work with others to lead a team. I believe I have these skills, as demonstrated in my roles as an on field captain and treasurer of a RUMS club.
  • As treasurer I had to ensure we had all the necessary equipment and the budget to buy replacements as required, such skills will be extremely useful in the sourcing of suturing kits etc.