Election post



I am Muhammad Nusseibeh, and I am running for President of UCL SJP. I have been with the SJP for nearly two years now serving as a Fresher Rep, Speaker Relations Officer and as President in addition to my experience with Palestinian organisations. This has given me a wealth of knowledge with regards to the workings of not only the society but also the global Palestinian Movement. I aim to use this to ensure that the SJP is as effective as possible in conveying its message and propelling Palestinian activism on campus and beyond.

During my tenure as President, we saw a revival of UCL SJP with an array of activities. But a prime feature of these events was our increased collaborations with several societies. It is my hope to increase such collaborations and ensure that there is a broad bloc against Israeli Apartheid on campus.

As a Palestinian from Jerusalem, which must be the future capital of Palestine, I am an ardent Anti-Zionist and desire to relentlessly work for the liberation of all of Palestine. To help achieve this I have 2 arenas I want to focus on: first to focus on the university level on rejecting the draconian implementation of the IHRA definition as well as trying to enforce BDS on UCL. Second, relates to the local campus setting whereby I hope UCL SJP can be a bulwark in defending Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students from intimidation, supporting decolonisation of our institutions as well as creating a vibrant activist community.