Election post


Hi crew! I’m Angie (they/them), and you might know me as Production Manager for My Land’s Shore. I’ve also been involved in RENT, Rhapsody, Power and other small shows!

Having taken on a key role in MLS, I’m now ready to take on more responsibility in Stage Crew. Doing shows are such humbling experiences, as I learn so much from the people around me each time. Stage crew are the most hardworking and welcoming people I’ve met in the months I’ve spent here, and I want to keep this wonderful spirit going through dedicating myself to the society. 

As vice-president, I will assist the president on the administrative side of things to ensure our (constantly growing!) society runs better than ever. I will ensure opportunities to work on shows are announced well in advance, so more people can take part. I hope to introduce more members to the essential skills needed to start working on shows - by taking them through hands-on experiences at smaller shows. I will be working closely with our committee members, particularly welfare, to keep everyone mentally and physically ready to take part in more shows!

I hope you lend me your support, and I look forward to leading Stage Crew as we conquer more challenges and produce fabulous shows in the coming year!