Election post


Hello! I am Genevieve and I am in my first year studying Russian and Ukrainian.

I would like to be your Vice President because SSEES society has been a really big part of my life since I started UCL and I would like to continue its work and grow it so that it reaches more students. When I first joined SSEES society, I expected it to enrich my learning of the region to complement my degree, but I have found so much more than that. The society's film screenings, cultural dinners, embassy visits and talks with political experts have given me so many new ideas on a personal level as well as an academic one, that I can safely say that I would not be as passionate about being a student at UCL without it. I have had a very active role within SSEES since I joined, being the academic representative for my course, a member of the SSEES library committee and, most recently, helping to organise the Ukrainian collection drive. SSEES is, therefore, very central to my life and if I were to be elected, I would work so hard to make it the best and most exciting society for you. 

As I am also very passionate about writing, one of the first things I would be keen to introduce as Vice President is a regular SSEES society journal written by students for articles on literature, film and art from the region. I believe this journal would be a great way to motivate people to travel more, visit exhibitions, read more widely and get the most out of being a student here.