Election post


Hey everyone! My name is Malika, I’m studying cancer biomedicine at UCL and applying for Welfare/Volunteering officer. 

I became a Salsa society member in 2021 and fell in love with dancing. This hobby brought me so much joy during the year that I was literally waiting every Monday to go and have a chill time with people who share my passion. I found and made friends with so many interesting people with their unique personalities and it made my experience even better. That’s why I want to apply for this role. 

I find it easy to talk to people and listen to them. Moreover, I am interested in psychology so if you have any issues I will be more than happy to listen to inquiries, give advice and approaches to tackle the problem. 

Additionally, I would love to have some experience and exposure to volunteering. First thing which comes to my mind when I hear volunteering is caring. If we share this passion, we can find fascinating ways to help people and expect nothing but joy from a giving and caring experience.