Election post


hi runners!

As someone relatively new to running when I joined RAX last year, I was so nervous I would be isolated or looked down upon by 4:30min/km runners. Obviously, that was not the case. The RAX community is so welcoming, accepting and accommodating of everyone’s goals and the celebration of all achievements, something I found such warmth in from the get-go.

Of course, XCs are so much fun (if you’re a fan of mud) and intervals are… an acquired taste, but what I love about running is the way it makes me, and I’m sure all of you, feel. I so value the emphasis social runs place on running for yourself; whether it’s a chilled 5km with friends or a new 10km PB, they’re a wonderful way of improving your mental health and meeting other great people. As social running captain, I would love to encourage a greater turnout of beginner runners so they can get a sense of the wonderful community we have, something I know I would’ve loved as a novice.

For the more experienced of you, I think bringing in more friendly 5km and 10km races within the club would be really beneficial, both for fitness, friendship, and TeamUCL spirit. Friendly competition could really strengthen our cohesion as a club and not only make us more confident but also stronger against Strand Pol…King’s!

Continuing to build a friendly, inclusive community is something I value strongly in RAX and would love to do so through becoming your next Social Running Cap! :)