Election post

The pandemic has severely impacted the lives of students. This position would give me the opportunity to be involved in shaping the next steps of campaigns on pressing issues such as mental health and economic injustice.
I want to represent the collective voice and interests of the students by demanding for an equal voting system for the NUS policy.
As your delegate, I aim to focus on making the NUS less of a petty, factional organisation and more of a relevant, progressive organisation that is successful in fighting for students and delivering value to their education.
Since I’m a person with strong communication and interpersonal skills, I believe I am a potential candidate for this position. My experience as a panellist for the student inclusivity champions panel has helped me develop leadership skills. It has helped me employ active listening skills and the ability to reflect on others’ views. I will strongly influence students to initiate a debate about the issues that they are facing as students.
If I could represent UCLSU, I would make the best decisions for the upliftment of all UCL students.
I hope to achieve 4 goals through this conference:
A fair wage for placement students: Students who are working full-time jobs deserve a fair and equitable wage.
Liberating Education : Making sure that our NU is at the forefront of fighting for fair and accessible education.
Agenda of the conference : I will abstain on debates that deviate from student-related topics.
Black attainment gap: BAG is a pressing issue as it is becoming increasingly lower by each passing year. I want to be the voice of BAME students on a national platform.